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Simplify Get more followers and a greater number of sales through your networks. Enhance your image of
brand We visualize the potential of
your brand on social networks. Tea
will help increase your
most relevant followers. Build Relationships When you build a strong relationship with your audience, they are more likely to listen to you and become customers. Increase your sales We will increase your sales and
customer loyalty
increasing interaction with them
on social media.
Social Media How do we do it?
# 1: We study your market focus, your buyer persona The first step will be to carry out a study of your company. We will do a competitive analysis and study the buyer's personality.
# 2: Define Strategy We will define an effective content strategy. We will also carry out advertising strategies and funnels for the campaign and thus show you the road-map to success.
# 3: Action plan We will develop quality content and ads tailored to your brand.
We will prepare a calendar of
monthly content where you will have the opportunity to review everything before it comes to light.
# 5: Reports and Communication Your administrator will prepare monthly reports to keep you up to date. We can schedule weekly, biweekly or monthly meetings to discuss the progress of your social networks. Simplify your media [dfd_spacer screen_wide_resolution=”1280″ screen_wide_spacer_size=”50″ screen_normal_resolution=”1024″ screen_tablet_resolution=”800″ screen_mobile_resolution=”480″][dfd_heading style=”style_01″ title_font_options=”tag:h5″ subtitle_font_options=”tag:h3″]
Contact us today [/dfd_heading][dfd_spacer screen_wide_resolution=”1280″ screen_wide_spacer_size=”50″ screen_normal_resolution=”1024″ screen_tablet_resolution=”800″ screen_mobile_resolution=”480″][dfd_user_form preset=”preset2″ fake_check_layout=”forms_01″ text_area_height=”10″ font_size=”13″ btn_message=”Send Message” email_to=”mktingpsf@psf.ad, info@simplifyourbusiness.com” check_layout=”forms_01.php” input_background=”#ffffff” border_color=”#e8e8e8″ text_color=”#565656″ hover_button_backgrond=”#000000″ button_color_text=”#0a0a0a” button_hover_color_text=”#ffffff” check_layout_forms_01=”{“1“:{“text_name“:{“required-1“:“1“,“name“:“Name“,“akismet_comment_author-1“:“1“}},“2“:{“email“:{“name“:“E-mail“,“required-1“:“1“,“akismet_comment_author_email-1“:“1“}},“3“:{“text_name“:{“name“:“Subject“}},“4“:{“textarea_name“:{“name“:“Message“}}}”]From: {{text_name-1}} {{email-2}}
Subject: {{text_name-3}}
Message Body:
This e-mail was sent from a contact form[/dfd_user_form][dfd_spacer screen_wide_resolution=”1280″ screen_wide_spacer_size=”50″ screen_normal_resolution=”1024″ screen_tablet_resolution=”800″ screen_mobile_resolution=”480″][dfd_blog_posts posts_to_show=”6″ style=”simple” title_font_options=”tag:div”][dfd_spacer screen_wide_resolution=”1280″ screen_wide_spacer_size=”50″ screen_normal_resolution=”1024″ screen_tablet_resolution=”800″ screen_mobile_resolution=”480″][/vc_column][/vc_row]