Social networks- Tips to improve the presence of your company in social networks- 2020

redes sociales

Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important for all types of companies and freelancers. Gaining a presence on the Internet is a goal for those who open up to an increasingly globalized world, in which physical borders as we knew them until a few years ago cease to exist. Making social networks a showcase for your work or the goods and services you offer the public can be the ideal way to see your profits increase.

Here are some tips for you to take advantage of your presence in this medium and the plan you want to implement.

Seven ways to take advantage of your social media strategy

Take note of these recommendations and check their validity as soon as you put them into practice:

1. Open a profile on a social network … or on several

Analyze your audience and try to find out what their favorite social network is. From that information, create a profile on it or, better if possible, create profiles on different social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube …

2. Use the ecomerce from your profile

Some social networks, such as Instagram, allow you to boost e-commerce from the profile you open. You just have to show your products, include the price and a way to acquire them through your online store.

3. Create exclusive content

Take care of the content you share on socialmedia. Ideally, you opt for exclusivity, high-quality photos and texts created especially for your account. Forget about copying images and plagiarizing what others write.

4. Hire a professional to carry your networks

Unless you are properly trained for this task, it is better that you leave your profile in the hands of a professional of social networks or community manager. In this way, you will ensure that you do not make mistakes and your networks are always well attended, with someone who can immediately respond to any doubts or questions that may be asked.

5. Watch the competition

Study your most direct competition to find out what content it shares, what strategies it develops and even what mistakes it makes. It will be the best way to improve the strategy that your competitors put into practice.

6. Study the public response

As you interact with your followers, pay attention to which content is most popular, which are the most demanded products, which strategies are the most popular … and with the results, update your plan to improve.

7. Set up a content calendar

Program what content you are going to upload to your social networks and on what dates. Do it based on your plan and taking into account all the strategic factors to improve SEO and SEM.

Follow these digital marketing recommendations and jump into social media that will help you boost your business.

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